Tips for Cooking in an RV

The idea of cooking in an RV is definitely something worth pursuing, after all there is no better alfresco dining experience than the one where you enjoy your food while taking in the expansive natural beauty of the Pacific Northwest. 

But the reality of cooking in an RV is not without its challenges, all of which can be overcome with a little know-how and forward planning. With limited space and resources, you need to put a little more consideration into what meals you want to make and what implements to bring with you. Read on for our tips on how to make the most of your RV cooking experience and have a fun time making delicious food!

Make The Most Of Your Space 

One of the biggest challenges of cooking in an RV is the limited counter space available, meaning any meals need to be planned, with a focus on simpler dishes without the need for an array of chopping boards and tools. However, there are steps you can take before you even start cooking to ensure you have as much of the available counter space as you can maneuver into your RV. 

With the addition of counter extensions you can add more surface area to your kitchen without sacrificing the space you need to also move around your RV freely and comfortably. There are also handy 2 in 1 options, such as a chopping board that doubles up as a sink cover. You can also be creative in terms of how you use the space for storage by adding hanging spice racks or expandable shelving, so you can fit more of the things you need for creating delicious meals into a smaller space!

Simplify Your Recipes 

Even without factoring in the unique challenges of cooking in an RV, when it comes to cooking and recipes, simpler is often better. Many easy to follow low-intensity recipes deliver delicious and repeatable results. All this means is you can easily plan simple and space saving meals that will still provide you with tasty food throughout your RV travels. 

It’s not only space that’s at a premium for RVers cooking their own food, but time as well. As you’ll often have busy itineraries, leaving little time in the day for complex food preparation and cooking. All of which means that simpler dishes that keep ingredient lists and steps to the minimum, such as pasta and stir fry dishes can be tremendous go to options. 

Take Care With Your Waste 

One of the hidden challenges of cooking in an RV is how you deal with any waste or leftover scraps. It’s easy to fall into the same habits and routines you would at home, but food scraps can be incredibly taxing for the waste disposal systems in your RV, producing unwanted odors and clogging up the pipes. To avoid these issues, use a sink strainer to ensure scraps don’t fall in, and you can dispose of unwanted food outside of the RV, whether by emptying them or composting them. If you have a larger model, you may be able to install a purpose built garbage disposal unit in your RV.

The Right Tools 

Unlike at home, you won’t be able to rely on having everything at hand, meaning that it’s especially important to have both the right equipment for your needs, and to ensure you plan carefully and only bring what’s necessary for your plans to avoid unnecessarily taking up valuable storage space. 

Ensuring you have the right accessories will go a long way to making your RV cooking endeavors easier to manage, and that means bringing your preferred and most commonly used tools. Such as a sharp kitchen knife, one or two of your most versatile pans - we recommend at minimum a cast iron skillet, a pot, your preferred coffee brewing method, and a large chopping board. 

Think About Ventilation 

The space limitations of your RV aren’t just a consideration when it comes to how you cook, but what you make as well. Without any division between living space and cooking space, ventilation will be something that you need to think about. 

When using strong smelling ingredients, these odors can permeate throughout the living space, and this is especially true if you’re thinking of using fish or seafood. We understand that given Vancouver Island’s reputation you may want to go down that route, but if you do, you may be better suited cooking the fish outdoors!

Sourcing Your Food 

You will also have to plan out where you’re going to source your ingredients from, and work out where you’ll be able to get to and how much you’ll be able to carry. There are a number of great grocery stores in the area, and we recommend checking out any of these nearby options:

Additionally seasonal markets can make for a great day out, and a way to find locally sourced fresh produce, see our blog all about markets in Victoria. Online delivery can also be a practical option that both saves time and gives you a greater degree of control and choice when it comes to shopping for cooking in your RV. 

You Don’t Have To Cook Every Day 

Cooking in your RV is a great option, but you are still going to want to head out and sample some of the many great restaurants Victoria has to offer, with a wide range of cuisines and styles on offer, there’s sure to be something for everyone.

Some of our recent blog posts on restaurants around Victoria include: 

The beauty of traveling in an RV is the freedom it gives you to choose your own adventure, and explore fantastic regions like Vancouver Island on your own terms. So whether you’re going to be dining in the great outdoors, or taking a tour of the many fantastic restaurants the island has to offer, you’ll be traveling in comfort and independence. Which is exactly what setting up with us at Salish will allow you to do, our RV Haven is situated in an ideal location with all the facilities you’ll need for the perfect RV holiday. To secure your place, book your spot with us today! 


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